Extra Information

Mail Box Information

Need a replacement mailbox system or a first one? 

Thomas Cyphers of Addresses of Distinction is the contact for this service. There, you are able to order the complete mailbox set, which is the “Charleston” mailbox system. This is a change from the original mailbox system of our neighborhood which was the “Charleston Estate” mailbox system. That system has been discontinued. However, parts for the original system can still be obtained through Addresses of Distinction.

The Charleston mailbox system is $329.99 (subject to change). The system features a classic decorative bracket, pineapple finial, and Corinthian base. It is mounted on a sturdy 2.5-inch post. This mail box system is crafted of 100% rust-free aluminum. The decorative address number plate with the 2” Williamsburg brass numbers is included.

To reach Addresses of Distinction by phone dial – 770.436.6198. The website is www.addressesofdistinction.com. All major credit cards are welcome.       

Door to Door Sales/Solicitation

The information below is an important section of this regulatory ordinance.

Section 5.80.120

L. Solicitors must respect all “No Solicitation” signs, if there is a sign prohibiting solicitation at the entrance to a community, subdivision, business or residence is posted.

M.  Solicitors may not approach a homeowner, resident or occupant when the homeowner, resident or occupant is in the yard where a “No Solicitation” sign prohibiting solicitation in a community or subdivision, business or residence is posted.

N . Solicitors may not touch or in anyway attach any information to the homeowner, resident or occupant’s mailbox, paperbox, or mailbox post, or to the entrance door or residence porch, porch columns, railings, or wall of the residence.

O. Solicitors may not throw, lay, or in anyway toss items into a private business, homeowner, or resident’s yard or in any other way “litter”.

The Hall County Board of Commissioners regulates door-to-door sales to protect the safety of residents while providing a proper avenue for businesses to sell goods at residences and commercial establishments. Soliciting with a permit is allowed from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday, not on Sundays or holidays.

Who needs a permit?
Anyone who plans to go door-to-door selling a product or service must get a permit. Exemptions include political candidates, religious ministry, fundraising by school-age children, bonafide 501c3 charitable organizations. Each employee soliciting for a licensed business must obtain a permit.

How much does a permit cost?
$100 per person per two-week period. A permit may be renewed an additional two weeks per calendar year for $50.

What is required to obtain a permit?
Applicant must:

  1. Be 18 years of age at the time of application.
  2. Be a citizen of the United States or a legal alien.
  3. File an application for a permit with the business license director.
  4. Provide photo identification, as well as vehicle information
  5. Undergo a criminal history check.
  6. Describe what products or services will be sold.
  7. Obtain a business license from the business license director or be the agent or employee of a firm, or individual with a valid business license. Proof of employment shall be two current pay check stubs, or evidence of an employment agreement.

How does this ordinance keep Hall County residents safe?
1. We know who is knocking on your door. A permittee undergoes a background check and submits identification information for each vehicle being used during solicitation. This information is provided to the Hall County Sheriff's Office. No one with a conviction of a crime of moral turpitude, which is conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty, or good morals (sex crimes, robbery, etc.).

2. You know who is knocking on your door. Each solicitor must wear an identification badge issued by the Business License Director at all times and show other photo ID if requested by any citizen, homeowner, resident or law enforcement personnel. In addition, solicitors must speak English, so they can understand you when you ask them for ID or tell them to leave.

3. A solicitor cannot remain on the property after you have asked him or her to leave. And no solicitor may revisit your home within a six-month period.

The Hall County Sheriff's Office and Hall County Marshal's Office will enforce this ordinance.

Neighborhood Watch

The Neighborhood Watch Program is in place within our Community. The watch program has proven to be an effective crime deterrent and works by partnering with the Sheriff's Office. To work for each of us we all need to become involved.

A time may come when an incident or activity occurs that requires the attention of the Sheriff’s Office. Most important – IF THE SITUATION IS AN EMERGENCY, CALL 9-1-1!  When the situation is not an emergency but needs law enforcement involvement, such as a suspicious person or vehicle, a sheriff’s Deputy can be requested by calling dispatch at (770) 536-8812. Put this number in your cell phone under Dispatch—Hall County Sheriff. The incident or suspicion can be reported to the Association and shared in an effort to keep everyone safe.

Burn Permit Information

Hall County has changed the process for burn permits. Just use the link below.


After entering the County site, click on documents and information for more information and phone numbers.

Rules for Residential Burning - Burning Checklist
Burning Requirements for residences in Hall County
Obtain the proper permit during October 1 - April 30 annually:
(Residential, Land Clearing)
Burning should be conducted between sunrise and sunset.
You may burn only the following items:
Leaves, small limbs that have fallen from the trees on your property. Limbs should not be over 3" in diameter.
Fire location shall be 50 feet from any structure and 50 feet from all property lines.
A competent adult must be present the entire time the fire is burning.
A functional water hose or method of extinguishment must be present to control and extinguish the fire.
Fire must be completely out before dark. This means no smoldering or hot coals remaining.
No burning on windy days (10 mph or higher) or on days when the atmospheric conditions (cloudy, overcast or raining) would cause the smoke to remain low to the ground.
Fires may not be started with petroleum based products.
Do not burn any building materials, furniture, plastic, clothing, any rubber or tires, newspapers, household garbage, boxes.
Burning Checklist
Obtain the proper permit.
Garden Hose or Method of Extinguishment must be present.
Burn only the items listed above (i.e. leaves, small tree limbs).
Must be more than 50' from any structure or property line.
A competent adult must attend the fire at all times.
Common sense should always prevail.
Fires must be completely out by dark. (No smoldering or hot coals should be remaining).
Hall County Fire Marshal has the right to suspend permits due to health concerns and changes in weather conditions.